TJ Meenach Drive between Pettett Dr. and Northwest Blvd. will be closed July 24 for approximately seven weeks as part of The City of Spokane’s Combined Sewer Overflow Reduction Project.
Traffic coming to and leaving Spokane Falls Community College (SFCC) and the Magnuson Center will detour onto Pettet Drive to Maxwell Avenue and the Maple/Ash corridor. SFCC and the Magnuson Center also can be accessed using Government Way and Fort
George Wright Drive during construction.
The Spokane Transit Authority (STA) #20 SFCC and #33 Wellesley will be detoured and a special #20 shuttle will be implemented between the STA Plaza downtown and SFCC.
20 Shuttles
Generally, the shuttles will leave the Plaza Zone 8 (its normal boarding location) every 30 minutes (on the hour and on the half hour) traveling the regular route, either Clarke or Riverside to SFCC. These departure times will be several minutes after the normal departure times. The shuttle will serve a temporary stop in SFCC Parking Lot 9 and return downtown at 15 and 45 after the hour. As is the case now, frequency of service will depend on day of the week and time of day. Mukogawa will be served on the weekends.
Regular Service
The regularly scheduled #20 will leave the Plaza at its normal departure time as the #33. It will travel from the Plaza to Monroe via Washington and Boone. From Monroe, it will turn left on Northwest Blvd., right on Cochran and resume its regular route. Inbound, it will bypass Meenach and remain on Northwest Blvd. to Monroe then to the Plaza.
If you have additional questions, please call or go to Information on the shuttles and detoured service will be available under “What’s New” and on regular route information.
A 1.4 million-gallon concrete tank is being constructed on park property near the southeast corner of TJ Meenach Drive and Northwest Boulevard. The tank, similar to others constructed throughout the city, is designed to reduce overflows from combined wastewater and storm water sewers to the Spokane River in order to preserve the health of the river, according to Mike Cash, project field manager for the city.
Walkways, trails, trees and an overview of the river are included in the project.
For information, contact, Cindy Kinzer, 509-625-6700, or, or visit Spokane Waste Water.