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Onto the next: High School+ Graduate takes next step to earn associate degree

[SPOKANE, Wash.] — Adult Basic Education and English as a Second Language students crossed the stage of the Spokane Community College Johnson Sports Complex in front of a packed crowd who shared smiles, happy tears and sentiments of hope on Tuesday night.  

Among the 476 graduates was Michelle Rutter, a High School+ alum who is ready to take a hold of all that comes next.  

For years, Rutter was discouraged by numerous attempts to get her high school diploma and eventually discovered that in the Spokane Community College High School+ program, she could start with credit based on previous education, life/work experience, and other traditional coursework to earn her diploma.  

“If it wasn’t for this program, I don’t know how I would've done it because I’ve tried the GED program three different times, and it wasn’t a good fit. It wasn’t my style.”  

After completing High School+ in March Rutter immediately enrolled in SCC’s general AA-DTA degree program. 

“There was more to this than just getting a GED. I wanted more for myself and now I can get that,” Rutter said.  

She attributes much of her achievement to her teachers and Adult Basic Education Counselor Jessica Cross who continually set her up for success and reminded her that she was in the right place to achieve this goal she’d set for herself years before. 

“My support at home is small, but here it’s big and they help me remind myself that I can do this.” Rutter said. “I wouldn’t be as successful as I am in school if it weren’t for Anna Gamble, Kathy George and Miss Colette. When I felt unmotivated, they motivated me to keep coming back and wanting to finish it and now I’ve done that.” 

Completing her GED through HS+ has given her the confidence to keep prioritizing her education and set achievable, measurable goals.  

Eventually Rutter will focus her A.A. - DTA degree on something related to the medical field but for now, she’s taking school one day at a time, focusing on the adjustment from High School+ workflows to college courses.  

 “I just accomplished my high school diploma so now I know my next step is to accomplish my college degree,” she said. “I want to go into the medical field because I’ve seen what people have done for me and I want to give back.” 

With newly developed skills in time management, staying motivated and organization, Rutter is ready to tackle whatever comes next on this new journey.  

Learn more about Spokane Community College's Adult Basic Education program now. 

Posted On

6/13/2024 9:02:56 AM

Posted By

Kayla Friedrich



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