SFCC and SCC recently won a $1million award from the State Board of Community and Technical Colleges called the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund.
The grant is to offset learning loss for students that qualify for the Running Start Program by providing additional funding to colleges to equitably provide:
- Support for students pursuing career and technical education (CTE) opportunities, including professional technical courses, that support the completion of a CTE Sequence Graduation Pathway and progress toward certificate or degree completion.
- Support for students to complete the required college success preparatory course in the summer to ensure they gain an understanding of the skills and attitude needed to succeed in college environment as a Running Start student.
- Support for students to use the summer quarter for credit recovery to ensure on-time completion of a high school diploma.
Funding will be used to promote program pathways to encourage enrollment in courses, increase admission into programs, and provide career guidance through campus counseling centers. Funding will also help cover tuition, fees, and student tools. The grant will allow both colleges to better engage with community partners, including forty high schools, and provide internship opportunities in the area for students. Brenda Schreiber said, “I would like to extend my gratitude to the CCS Grants Office team. Thank you, Lupito Flores for your expertise, editing, and collaboration.” ‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much’—Helen Keller